Cinnamon Rooibos (Caffeine-Free)

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Cinnamon Rooibos (Caffeine-Free)


Just what you've been waiting for... an herbal version of the Cinnamon Orange Black Tea Blend. Perfect for those who need to stay away from caffeine. It’s 100% caffeine free because the base is South African Rooibos. Enjoy this all day long and into the evening without disturbing night time slumber.

Cinnamon has immense healing properties with the most notable being that it lowers blood sugar levels.

2oz (57g) 

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Ingredients: South African Rooibos, cinnamon + orange peel
Directions: Heat 6 -8 oz of fresh water to a rolling boil(212ºF preferred) over a heaping 1-2 teaspoons of tea. Steep 7+ minutes, strain and serve immediately.

Caffeine: None.